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Recipe Table of Contents
Part 2
How to cruise this site: This site is a labor
of love and will take years to finish.
Just click on one of the colored names below and the link will take you to a page of recipes. It takes a little while for each page to load completely. The links to the recipes won't work until the page is loaded. The recipe titles with * after the name are links to pages that have been hyperlinked. That means you can click on the name of the recipe and the link will take you right to it. But, you have to wait for the page to fully load for the links to work. The rest of the recipe pages have yet to be linked - just scroll down each page and look through our collection of recipes. Bon appetit!!!!!
Main Dish | |
Main Dish – Beef Main Dish – Casseroles & Slow Cookers Misc. Recipes Disk 63 with many casseroles, chicken dishes, and a recipe for making your own condensed cream soups Main Dish – Chicken & Poultry Misc. Recipes Disk 16 This one even has a conversion table! Also has several wonderful desserts, as well as more chicken recipes. Misc. Recipes Disk 34 which has several new chicken recipes, among other wonders Misc. Recipes Disk 54 with several new chicken recipes Main Dish – Game Main Dish - Lamb Main Dish - Leftovers Main Dish - Meatloaf Main dish - Misc. Main Dish – Pasta Main Dish – Pizza Main Dish – Pork Main Dish – Quiche Main Dish – Quick Cooking Main Dish – Vegetarian
Microwave | |
Miscellaneous Recipes |
Misc. – Jams and Jellies Misc. – Relishes Misc. – sauces, relishes and other items needed in cooking
Salads |
Seafood |
Disk 100 * Disk 101 * Lobster & Oyster Recipes Disk 150 * Lobster & Oyster Information *
Side Dishes |
Sweet Potatoes # 1 *
Misc. Recipes Disk 52 which includes some wonderful information about the various types of rice. Misc. Recipes Disk 65 with many more veggies and sides and salads.
Soups, Stews, Chili & other Bean Dishes |
Soups # 1
Vegetables |
Misc. Recipes Disk 60 Veggies and Side Dishes
Miscellaneous Recipe Disks |
Over 300 Pages of Misc. Recipes are located HERE Misc. Recipes Disk 3 with football recipes. (Who wants to eat a football?) Misc. Recipes Disk 4 some Southern stuff and more Misc. Recipes Disk 5 everything from apple-cinnamon pancakes to stain remover! What more could you want? Misc. Recipes Disk 6 includes some clones from Top Secret Recipes and other good stuff Misc. Recipes Disk 7 which includes Snowman Poop and chicken advice, plus more good things to eat Misc. Recipes Disk 8 with some hot tips (don't bet on the horses) and hot peppers, plus other delights Misc. Recipes Disk 9 with a wonderful chicken soup - you don't even have to be sick to appreciate it! Misc. Recipes Disk 10 with everything from cake to toothpaste with strawberries in it. Such a treat! Misc. Recipes Disk 11 This one will keep your printer busy Misc. Recipes Disk 12 Passover recipes and instructions for cooking bugs and also baking recipes for kids to make Misc. Recipes Disk 14 which includes something that is alleged to be "better than sex" Misc. Recipes Disk 35 everything you wanted to know about whatever is in there Misc. Recipes Disk 38 All these recipes were collected from Top Secret Recipes. They are clones. Misc. Recipes Disk 45 which includes some wonderful stuff made with Jack Daniels Misc. Recipes Disk 46 some of this stuff is too good to eat (almost)! Misc. Recipes Disk 48 This one includes cloned recipes for some seasoning packets and information about propane tanks and garlic Misc. Recipes Disk 53with some more good things from Top Secret Recipes Misc. Recipes Disk 66 which includes mushrooms, frogs, cockroaches, ghosts, and dinosaurs.....BOO! Misc. Recipes Disk 67 wherein you can learn about pomegranates and also make more Hallowe'en stuffv Misc. Recipes Disk 86 - with some Cajun recipes
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